Teaching Trek
Explore my portfolio filled with research, design, and critical thinking when it comes to guiding young learners.
Module 2
Module 2, unit 1
The video I created is from Module 2, Unit 1 of the Teach Now course. The video outlines the details and cultural surroundings of the NAEP test in South Korea.
Module 2, unit 2
MOdule 2, unit 1
Module 2, unit 1
Module 3
Module 3, unit 5
Module 3, unit 5
Within Module 3 I was tasked with creating an educational game for students. The game I designed is targeted towards elementary students, but could be adapted for an older audience of students. The game uses pictures and sentence building to help the students guess which picture they have.
Here is a link to my Game Design plan!
To look through the layout and flow of the game, click here to walk through it all!
module 3, unit 1
Below is a video I made from Module 3, unit 1. The video outlines different ways of using technology for different age levels.
Module 4
Module 4, unit 6
An activity from Module 4, unit 6. I was tasked with creating a Behavior Management Plan for a student who is struggling in school. Within the plan I’ve outlined different ways to integrate technology, of communicating with the parents, and of helping the student grow.
Click here to view the plan!
Module 4, unit 5
Within this activity, I was tasked with researching different tools to help track learning. I previewed 3 different educational tools and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each when it relates to the learning environment. I previewed Class Dojo, Book Creator, and Showbie. Below is a link to the video and a correlating slide show that helps walk you through the different technology tools I discussed.
Click here to view the slide show. Click here to the view the flipgrid video assessment of each tool.
Module 4, Learning environment plan
Throughout the entirety of Module 4, I was creating a Learning Environment Plan. The Learning Environment Plan goes through 7 different categories of different ways to promote a positive learning environment and integrates different approaches of having a growth mindset when it comes to learning. To view my plan for managing the learning environment, click here.
Module 5
MOdule 5, Planning Formative Assessments
Formative assessments for 6-7 year olds in a variety of different subjects ranging from art, grammar, and ELL. Click here to view the template.
module 5, pbl materials
Click here to view my Reteaching Plan in regards to my PBL.
Click here to view the Self Evaluation form for my students to take after the PBL has finished.
module 5, rti
Click here to review my RTI that discusses the 3 tiered steps of how I would help a hypothetical student.
module 5, using assessment data to inform instruction
Here is a spreadsheet showcasing student sample data and how I’ve organized and prepared my instruction based on their scores.
Here is the link to the visual presentation that outlines the above data and details the student grouping and projects that would be employed.
module 5, Communicating with families
My team and I created a video that outlines a parent-teacher partnership that includes setting high expectations for the student and making appropriate use of positive reinforcement to achieve the mutually decided goals. We’ve considered expectations of parents in remote vs. in-person learning and how we might address student concerns.
Module 6
module 6, unpacking a standard
A video of myself detailing the ins and outs of a particular standard in relation to Reading Literacy for 7 year olds: The Common Core.
Module 6, curriculum
Click here to review the 3-month-long curriculum map I created based on the Common Core standards.
Click here to analyze the Unit Plan I created based on the above curriculum map.
Click here to explore the Lesson Plan I created regarding a single lesson from the curriculum map.
Module 7
Module 7, planning for clinicals
In order to properly prepare for clinicals, I first had to take an in-depth look at the standards that I would be creating my lessons by. Click here to review my analysis of each of the INTASC Standards.
Click here to review the first lesson plan that I created for the take off of my clinical video lessons.
Module 8
Module 8, Student achievment data
Throughout my 12-week clinical practice, I tracked the growth of my current class in regards to their Reading, Vocabulary, and Collaboration skills. Click here to view that data.
Module 8, Intasc standard 8
During my clinicals, I was given the chance to teach my own cohort about an InTASC standard of my choosing. My partner and I chose InTASC standard 8: Instructional Strategies. Click here to view the presentation in detail.
Module 8, lesson plans
Lesson Plan regarding InTASC Standards 1-3
Lesson Plan regarding InTASC Standards 4-5
Lesson Plan regarding InTASC Standards 6-8
Final Lesson Plan regarding InTASC Standards 1-10 (to come)
Module 8, Planning for leadership and collaboration
Click here to read my ideas to help better facilitate communication and growth.